VISION Support Topics

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The Explore Initiatives page is going to be the most helpful VISION feature for finding initiatives within VISION which is why it is the first place all users land when logging into VISION. Explore Initiatives allows users to search by a specific organization or base as well as standardized fields in VISION like technology types and functional areas. You can also search by dynamic tags generated by managers of initiatives.

The User Directory is where you will find all VISION users. You can search by first name, last name, email, organization or base. Once you find a user’s card you can click on it to see their contact information as well as what initiatives they are currently involved in.

You will need a title for the initiative, a synopsis, a problem statement, a solution and the organization that it will be submitted to. All content can be updated after submission by a lead team member.

To keep your data safe, VISION times out due to inactivity after 15 minutes. Please refresh the page and log in again.

This can occasionally happen if a previous authentication gets stored in your cache. When this happens you can go up to the URL, delete the .mil portion of the website, and reenter it back in. Once this happens the URL should reset and it will ask you to provide your Platform One credentials. If the first reset of the URL comes up with the same error, attempt this at least two more times. if that doesn’t resolve your issue, please contact us at

VISION managers can add functional areas, phase, initiative type, technology types and tags. VISION managers can also add the initiative budget. If you are a manager within your organization you can request manager access here.

If you cannot find a member in the drop down, they are not yet in VISION. You can send them to this link to make an account.

In the meantime, you could add "POC" with their name and email address to the solution block on the Home page of the innovation.

To keep your data safe, VISION times out due to inactivity after 15 minutes. Please refresh the page and log in again.

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